प्रचंड आत्मा का नृत्य

SKU: CSJMUFA000072 Categories: ,


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Art Description:

This powerful artwork depicts a dynamic figure in mid-dance, wielding a curved blade in one hand and holding a severed head in the other, with flowing hair and a skirt of dark fronds. The monochromatic grayscale tones against a textured background evoke a sense of raw energy and mystique. Perfect for adding a bold, dramatic, and spiritual intensity to any wall. Based on the visual characteristics, this artwork appears to be made using charcoal or pencil on paper. The soft, smudged shading, detailed line work, and the gritty texture of the background are indicative of charcoal, a medium often used for its expressive and dramatic effects. The fine details in the figure's form and the overall grayscale palette suggest it could also involve graphite pencil, applied with blending techniques to achieve the depth and movement seen here.
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12×16 inch

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