Cosmic Feast of Duality

SKU: CSJMUFA000077 Category :


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Art Description:

This surreal artwork features a golden hand holding a fork and a silver hand holding a knife, set against a vibrant cosmic backdrop of stars and nebulae. The metallic sheen of the hands contrasts with the deep space scene, symbolizing a balance of energies in the universe. Perfect for adding a thought-provoking and futuristic touch to any wall. Material: this artwork appears to be a digital illustration rather than a traditional painting. The smooth gradients, glowing effects, and the hyper-realistic cosmic background with stars and nebulae suggest it was created using digital art software, such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. The metallic sheen of the hands and utensils, along with the vibrant space elements, indicates the use of digital brushes and effects to achieve a polished, otherworldly look. This type of artwork is typically printed on paper or canvas for display.
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12×18 Inches

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